Jaakko Hyypiä
34 year old Master of Science in Energy Technology from LUT University
Doctoral student
Part-time entrepreneur
Passionate about nature, technology and doing
Member of the Tirilä volunteer fire brigade
Lieutenant in the reserve
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Energetic candidate for the Lappeenranta city council!
Lappeenranta is a great city – let’s make it even better!
I am running for the city council because I want to promote the vitality of our region and ensure that Lappeenranta remains an attractive place to live and work in the future.
I want to promote these goals through accessibility, promoting entrepreneurship, green transition investments, urban nature and development of the tourism industry.
I believe that Lappeenranta can be part of the working area of Southern Finland. There are several people in my immediate circle who have managed to combine working in another city with living in Lappeenranta. This is significantly influenced by the functionality of the train connections.
Why Lappeenranta?
I fell in love with Lappeenranta during my studies, and when the opportunity arose, I moved back. The reasons for this were the proximity to nature, Lake Saimaa, services, a suitably sized city and social networks. I live with my partner in an apartment building near the city centre and I greatly enjoy the park areas, sports opportunities, waterways and services of our city. I am an active commuter cyclist, but our family also has a car.
What do I want from politics?
I value nature, I want to invest in education and technology, and promote equality and people’s livelihoods. Specifically, I would like to promote a better combination of these issues. For example, I believe that the green transition is a great opportunity that can increase the vitality and employment of our region, while simultaneously reducing environmental impacts.
I want to promote science-based and fact-based decision-making in politics. Instead of confrontation, I look for cooperation and optimism for the future. We should not view new things as a threat, but rather identify opportunities and seize them.
Developing the energy sector
My PhD research at LUT University focuses on energy system modeling and carbon capture. Power-to-X technologies and chains play an important role in my research. On the side, I work in a company I founded. Together with three LUT alumni, we developed a product line and an online store that focuses on off-grid solar power solutions.
In my spare time
I have experience in decision-making in housing associations, where I have, for example, successfully led a large renovation project as the chairman of the board. In my spare time, I enjoy running, volunteer firefighting and boating, and I enjoy doing things with my hands, such as renovating and repairing various devices.
Social media and contact
Election promises
Employment and vitality
Green transition investments are a huge opportunity for Lappeenranta. Renewable energy and PtX technologies in particular can bring new jobs and tax revenue. The energy system is undergoing a transformation and it opens up many new opportunities.
Let’s support and develop solutions on how to harness the huge student potential more effectively for the benefit of the city. LUT University’s expertise is a great asset for our region.
Nature and a human-sized city
Let’s build a city together for people, not just for cars. Let’s develop the city center, light traffic, public transport, and promote the city’s park areas and the planting of urban trees. At the same time, let’s support the city’s climate goals, attractiveness, and people’s well-being and health.
Let’s take care of the local nature, which is one of Lappeenranta’s great strengths and competitive advantages.
Let’s take care of routes and accessibility. A functioning train connection is especially vital for Lappeenranta. Functional connections enable commuting and attract residents. At the same time, low-carbon transport connections support climate goals.
Events and tourism
Lappeenranta needs attractive events. Events, in turn, require a location. I support an event arena in the city center; I do not think the area of detached houses is the best place for an investment of several tens of millions.
Lappeenranta does not have a large and well-known summer event. Should there be one, and would it strengthen the awareness of our city?
I promise to work for the development of tourism. How can tourism in Saimaa be better utilized? I do not know the answer to this, but I see that Saimaa is a great opportunity for tourism. How can Saimaa be made visible in our city in other ways than in Satamanlahti, and how can it be used as a tourism service – respecting the environment and residents.
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